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tv   Campaign 2020 Joe Biden Holds Drive- In Rally in Tampa  CSPAN  October 29, 2020 11:30pm-11:59pm EDT

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the air. up friday morning, we'll examine this year's presidential presidentialof -- lesson campaign. also during the program is david. a professor of police science at meredith college in north carolina. watch c-span's washington journal, live at 7:00 eastern on friday money. make sure to join the discussion with your phone call, facebook comments, text messages and tweets. >> with five days left until election day, on november 3, when voters decide who will control congress and occupy the white house next year, stay with c-span, watch camping 20 -- campaign 2020 coverage.
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or you can listen on the c-span radio app. your place for an unfiltered view of politics. joe biden took his campaign to florida on thursday where he held a drive-in rally with supporters. this is 25 minutes. ♪ the more you see, the less you know. ♪ >> good evening tampa bay, make some noise. come on, tampa bay, good evening.
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my name is chloey. until november 1, my middle name will be vote early. i am grown up from tampa. i have lived here all my life. i helped to integrate this close system here. castorrd congresswoman talk about that. i worked in the court as the very first black provision and parole officer for judge as come. toave dedicated my life lifting up this community. i am a wife to my childhood sweetheart. dr. ernest comey. i am the mother of three wonderful children. i have my son out here, ernest, junior. i am a grandmother to three
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beautiful grandkids. i am known as the woman that wears many hats. you know if you know me in tampa, i love my hats. it is because i have worked to serve tampa however i can. i am really proud of the decades i have spent working in this community. even when congresswoman castor was assistant director. i was at the neighborhood service center. -- running the neighborhood service center. i have worked hard to revitalize our neighborhoods, bringing jobs and affordable housing to east tampa as the founder of the cdc. we want to make sure we insure opportunities for all of our opportunities for
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all of our families. i know this community. and i will say this real slow. i know we need to joe biden. anybody with me? we need joe biden. right now, the president's to address us has left us in a public health crisis and severe economic crisis. i lost a very dear cousin to this pandemic. i can't see my grandchildren when i want to. i have to be extremely careful with my 94-year-old mother. but we know more than 220 americans have lost their lives. and it did not have to be that way. after the election, it does not have to be any longer. joe biden has the plan to beat coronavirus. and build our economy back
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better. lifting up all communities. joe is the guy. are you with me? joe is the guy that got the affordable care act passed. i remembered before the aca, there were constituents that could not get insurance because they had pre-existing conditions. joe changed that. he delivered. if he gets to the white house, he will strengthen the affordable care act to lower cost and expand coverage. that's what we need? everybody agree with me? that's what we need. come on, tampa, that's what we need. that is exactly what we need. i met joe and he has that humans touch. touch.
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it is a blessing. he knows what we are going through. he can feel, you can feel empathy because he has character. so vote early, tampa. don't wait. we can change the direction of this country on every issue that matters to us. but only if we vote. make a plan, bring a family, bring your friends. because it's all on our line. tampa, florida, it is an honor. and i am just so excited to introduce you to a man who will bring the country together.
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and restore the soul. i will say that again. restore the soul of our nation. the next president of the united states of america, joe biden. let's give him a tampa welcome. ♪ mr. biden: holy mackerel. hello, tampa. thank you so much. you guys look like you are so far away, you might be in delaware. great to see you all. thanks for so many of you being here.
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as my mother would say, god love y'all. chloe, thanks for sharing your story. and for all that you do. a person contributes to their community, but how many people can you name that have done more for the city and its people then chloe? turning abandoned buildings and dangerous lots and replacing them with life and hope. making sure to bring the community together to build homes for local families, helping young people around tampa. instill pride, purpose, and neighborhoods. in laying the groundwork, that is the work that changes the world. and i want to thank all the other speakers here tonight including a remarkable mayor.
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thanks for the passport into town. i appreciate it. and my friends, congressman charlie crist. thank you, pal. thank you, thank you. and kathy castor. her district. i sought permission to come and she said ok. and now cohen who we have to send to congress. i just spent time with one of my best buddies, a guy i served with for a long time in the u.s. senate, bill nelson. i haven't served with anyone with more character,. , and decency than bill -- character, courage, and decency than bill. his wife is something else,
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isn't she? five days left. five days. but who's counting, right? who's counting? scranton? i have a scranton sign here. i'm getting confused here. millions of americans have voted. 75 million. and millions more will vote when this is over. i believe when you use your power, the power of the vote, we literally are going to change the course of this country for generations to come. and for folks at home and abroad. here in florida, you are the ones that built this country. ceo's and wall street did not build this country. you did. i've been saying this for years, middle-class people have been hard-working folks.
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middle-class people did, hard working folks. and you are the ones that are going to save this country. i set i got into the race for three reasons a year ago. little over a year. i meant it. the first was to restore the soul of this country. this is not who we are. we are more decent, honorable, more respectful. we are better people. the second reason was to restore the backbone of this country. the middle class. to bring everybody along this time. and thirdly, to unite this country. we have to unite us. these final days. keep that sense of empowerment with you and that sense of optimism. what we can do and what we can
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overcome. i have never been more optimistic about america's chances that i am today because i know the american people. i know who we are. we will never let the country down, given the chance. on november 3, we will unite the country and show the world who america really is. i mean it. i know it's hard. over these past few months, there have been so much pain and suffering. so much loss in america. the 225,000 people dead. 225,000. estimates are if we had reacted responsibly, there would be 160,000 fewer dead. because of covid-19, we are past the 9 million mark of people infected. more than 16,000 people in florida have been lost.
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and millions of people out of work and on the edge. it's a freight train. that's what happens if he stays in office. donald trump was giving up over the weekend. i'm quoting. we are not going to control the pandemic. it is obvious he's not. at the debate last week, trump said that we are rounding the corner. it is going away. we are going to live with it. remember what i told him. he's asking us to die with it. that's what is happening. donald trump has waived the white flag, abandoned families, and surrendered to the virus. the american people never give up, never give in, and we don't cower.
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donald trump just had a super spreader event again. he's spreading more than just coronavirus. he is spreading division and discord. we need a president that will bring us together, not pull us apart. i will put a plan in place to deal with this pandemic responsibly, bringing the country together testing, tracing, masking. doctors in america, including the president's own cdc director and dr. fauci who said that if we just wore a mask between now and the end of the year, we would save 100,000 lives. folks, that is not a political statement. it is a patriotic duty, for god 's sake. but still, donald trump refuses to listen to science.
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and we shouldn't be politicizing the race for a vaccine. we should be planning for its safe use and free and equitable distribution, providing ppe for national standards and businesses up and safety -- open safely. it has already been passed by the democratic council representatives. i have said it before. i'm not going to shut down the economy. i'm not going to shut down the country. i'm going to shut down the virus. donald trump inherited a strong economy from barack and me. just like he inherited everything in his life. it's a fact. he squandered that a quant to me
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economyuandered that like he squandered everything else. folks, i promise you. i guarantee you. we can build back. an economy that rewards work, not wealth. and we can do it without raising taxes a single solitary penny for working-class and middle-class families. i guarantee you that no one making less than $400,000 will pay a single penny more in taxes. not one penny. but i will tell you what i'm going to do. i make no apologies for it. i will ask the wealthiest americans and biggest corporations, the fortune 500 companies making billions of dollars that did not pay a single penny and federal taxes. i'm going to make sure that they pay their fair share. why should a firefighter, and educator, a nurse pay a higher rate than the super wealthy corporate america?
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because you do. you do. why should you pay more taxes than donald trump pays? you know, if we made this as a movie 10 years ago, people would think we are making it up. but it's true. we will book -- deliver to actually for the working class. help you pay health care premiums. for child care. for eliminating college debt. we will take care of this. and we can afford it. trump got his supreme court justice. and he did it for one overwhelming reason. something he's been trying to distance the day he got elected. to destroy the affordable care act. he's going at it again. if they get their way, 100 million americans will lose protections for pre-existing
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conditions. cancer, all diseases that are out there. folks, look. 8.4 million floridians have pre-existing conditions. obligations of covid-19 will become the next pre-existing condition. jack up insurers to your premiums. a lot of you young people don't even realize it but before we passed the affordable care act, insurance charged women more for the same health care as men just because they are women. a fact. donald trump thinks health care is a privilege. i think it is your right. we will not only restore obama care, we will strengthen and build on it. you can keep your private insurance if you like it.
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and you can choose a medicare-like option if you don't. deductibles, premiums, out-of-pocket spending, reducing unknown billing. reducing prescription drug costs by up to 60% by allowing -- not making this stuff up -- allowing medicare to negotiate drug prices. we will keep protections for people with pre-existing conditions. we will protect social security and medicare. meanwhile, the social security actuary, the guy who runs it, they say donald trump will bankrupt social security by 2023. as my wife would say, google it. you will see what i'm telling you. you got that right, pal. he said trump is bankrupt.
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he probably is, he owes $400 billion to somebody. -- $400 million to somebody. we have to vote for military families. of all the things donald trump has said it, nothing has -- said, nothing has bothered me worse than the way he has spoken to those that served in uniform. he called them losers and suckers. my deceased son, beau biden won the bronze star, the service medal and other awards, volunteered to go to iraq for a year. gave up his attorney general job to go. he wasn't a sucker or loser. he was a patriot like all of you who serve. like your sons, your daughters. your parents and your grandparents. we have to vote for their dignity. the respect they are due.
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while donald trump fails to condemn white supremacy, we can deliver racial justice while he is trying to make it worse. donald trump doesn't believe systemic racism is a problem. he won't say black lives matter. we know they matter. that's why protest has broken out across the nation. by the way, protesting is not burning and looting. violence must never be a tactic tolerated. and it won't. but these protesters have a cry for justice. the names of george floyd, breonna taylor and jacob blake will not soon be forgotten. not by me, not by us, not by this country. [applause] when i met with a family, the
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little daughter looked at me. she is only seven years old. i knelt down to talk to her in and the family. she looked at me and said, mr. vice president, my daddy is changing the world. guess what? inspiration coming from her daddy would happen. there's a new wave of justice in america. true justice is more than just dealing with abuse. it's about economic justice. it's about schools, housing, access to capital. good paying jobs. a minimum wage of $15 an hour. financial stability, giving families of color a real shot. the owner who will start a small
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business and send a child to college debt free so that they can pass on opportunities for generations like we did. like so many middle-class families have in the past. but we have to vote to ensure the full promise of this country. we have to vote to meet the challenge of climate crisis. because you know in florida, it is a crisis. we are seeing the impact more than most. devastating hurricanes that lay waste to all communities. the economic toll is astounding and it grows every year. but the humans whole is worse. lost lives, lost homes, small business is shattered, first responders put at risk. the west coast burning. the middle part of the country flooding. donald trump when he thinks climate change, he says hoax. speaking of hoaxes, remember what he said about the increasing violent hurricanes and the frequency? he said, maybe we should detonate a nuclear bomb over the atlantic.
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by the way, the same stable genius that said the biggest problem we had in the revolutionary war is we didn't have enough airports. whoa. yo, man. i'll tell you what. his answers to families in puerto rico struggling through hurricane maria, what did he do? toss rolls of paper towels at them. he doesn't have any real answers. we know we can do something about it. combating climate change means jobs. we can build a stronger and more climate resistant nation, creating millions of high-paying jobs. we can change the path we are on. we have to act now. time is running out in this country can't afford former years of trump who thinks he is only responsible to the people that voted for him. i don't see the presidency that
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way. i run as a proud democrat. it is starting to rain so i will shorten this for you. i don't see america that way. you placed your trust in barack and me in 2012 and 2008. each day we were in office, we worked for you and the entire country. it was never about red states or blue states, only the united states of america. i was reminded that last month when i visited gettysburg. when i went to gettysburg to make that speech, abraham lee lincoln said a house divided cannot stand. a nation divided cannot stand. i was reminded of that earlier this week. > return your ballot today. we refusekenny said
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to postpone. let's not postpone and get out of the rain. god bless you all, thank you. ♪ got to make the world go round. got to make the road go round. got to make the world now. >> with five days left until election day. on november 3, when voters decide who will control congress and occupy the white house next year. stay with c-span. watch campaign 2020 coverage every day on c-span. stream or on-demand on or you can listen on the c-span radio app. your place for an unfiltered view of politics.
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c-span's washington journal. every day, we are taking your calls live, on the air and we will discuss policy issues. we will examine this presidential and congressional campaign. host of the tying it together politics -- podcast. also joining the program is , professor of political science at meredith college. be sure to join the discussion with your phone calls, facebook comments, text messages and tweets. >> coming up live on friday, c-span's campaign coverage continues with vice president pence speaking at a campaign rally in flagstaff, arizona. at 4:45, joe biden speaks to supporters.
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at 8:35, senator kamala harris makes a campaign stop. on c-span, the hoover institution hosts a discussion on china's influence and relations with the u.s.. later, at 6:00, president trump only a campaign rally in rochester, minnesota. thursday, vice president mike pence held a campaign rally in nevada. this event is about 50 minutes. ♪ to my placeome move on her face


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