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tv   Hannity  FOX News  May 3, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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radical out there. >> pete: no doubt i'm watching live pictures right now for hamas protest in chicago. it's a product of our education system but david as you said it's 1 thing to lose harvard. it's another to lose the marine corps. and really have 1. other we protected him fight for it or we lose it. david thank you for your service and everything have done for the country and talking about the war on warriors. it is out any computer it. everything we talk about we talk about in the book as well. thank you david. that's all for tonight. remember watch fox and friends weekend tomorrow at 6:00 am eastern in about 9 hours. kevin o'leary john rich, andy mccarthy plus janice and of course rachel campos my man will came all be there. kayleigh mcenany coming up next. >> welcome to the special addition of hannity.
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anti-israel protests continue to disrupt college campuses across the country where police have arrested thousands of agitators as they worked to clean up the encampments. better believe they need some cleaning. some of what police have found left behind is beyond disturbing. take a look at your screen. according to new york police officers signs were left behind on nyu campus. they found this today which read about death to america and death to israeli real estate. isn't that nice. and why you did provide a statement this evening saying they will continue to oppose anti-semitism and it's termination on campus. meanwhile anti-israel radicals a university of pennsylvania have begun circulate in protests how to guides including 1 it's titled flood the gates escalate. that encourages protesters to take more risk. what risk you ask? another detailed exactly how to break into a building. that's what we saw columbia this
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week. and while all of this was going on it took president biden at least 9 days to issue a formal statement condemning the violent protest but during those 9 days he found time to put out a statement on florida's abortion laws. that was important. that was under his name. he attended political fundraisers in dc and delaware. he went to the white house correspondents dinner and he acted up with the press and had a great night. he even found time to joke with howard stern. this is what we call leading from behind. if you can call it leading at all. and the press the refuse to hold him accountable. check at the temperature in the white house briefing room this week. >> my goodness. i wonder why. afternoon everybody. happy friday. don't say things don't get exciting and here sometimes. there's no introduction that
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really is needed here. i have a special guest as you can see. mark hamill has decided to join us on this wonderful friday. not happy about mark hamill being here. i won't tell him. is not watching probably i won't tell him. >> do not like star wars? >> i will now. that's why that happened. that's why got the question. >> laughing and joking. is just conversation among friends. imagine if the president were donald trump. imagine if are standing behind the podium and. he would have jim acosta screaming are you going to take the student loans from anti-israel protesters? giancarlo right on cue. will you withdraw support for many anti-israel protester and they wouldn't stop until we disavowed the support of every
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student in the country. where's the adversarial press? they are committing malpractice as hamas and cantons continue to litter the country. the laugh at your own peril. check americans feel about anti-israel protests. according to a new morning consult pole a whopping 76% support police presence on college campuses while 47% of respondents said they believe colleges should ban the protest. that's compared to just 30% who said they did not. joining us on the ground to new york with the latest our very own alexis mcadams. >> reporter: we are in washington square park just a short walk away from nyu and the new school where we saw lots of chaos and protests last night. take a look on your screen the nypd moving into both the college campuses earlier today clearing them out. ottawa wake-up call for protesters. looking nyu on your left after investigators moved in and took
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down a gaza solidarity encampment. another 1 of those and moving to the liberal arts college called the new school down the road to do the same. protest pretty chaotic what i was out there last night just around midnight. nypd seeing both schools are calling them for help. watch. >> there's somebody behind this movement. there's an organization behind's movement. leaflets on how to protest and commit civil disobedience. leaflets on what to do any get get arrested. there's somebody radicalizing her students. >> you heard it from nypd. they believe someone is radicalizing some of these groups that are involved. the afternoon busy with faculty members at nyu picketing like this telling us they are tired of the school's disciplinary actions against student protesters and do not want to protesters to get in trouble. back out here live we can tell you the nypd continues to tell fox news 1 of the main concerns for them is outside agitators they believe will moving and cause trouble and we seen it every night here on the ground.
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skeena keep up the great work. thank you very much. has the protest rage nationwide house republicans are taking action launching multiple investigations into the anti-israel demonstrations. with at least 4 republican committee chairs participating in what house speaker mike johnson is calling a house wide probe on anti-semitism in america, boy is that needed. here with the latest helfrich public in contrast chair congresswoman, you are i would say the foremost voice on this issue. you grilled 3 presidents of universities 2 of which had to resign in the aftermath. you are leading the probes house republicans and we had alexis toggled outside agitators. john kirby said he cannot find evidence of that actors. we brought it for him. let's pull it up. i want to bring this up for you. nonstudent participation mayor eric adams outside agitators cat northeastern university of texas, all pointing to outside agitators. do you have any idea for the outside agitators are?
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do you think you can find out? >> absolutely and that will be part of the house republican wide probe. that's what so important to expand the investigation because it's not just over set of us taxpayer dollars to these institutions. it is student visas for foreign students who are harassing jewish students attacking jewish students on campus. the outside agitators piece absolutely many to work with law enforcement to get to the bottom of it. we are committed to doing so. take columbia. nypd part of data over 40% of the individuals were outside unaffiliated with columbia. you have columbia professors and students and they need to be expelled. that's why these investigations are so important. we saw the hearing where my questions went viral and the morally bankrupt answers from the presidents of penn and harvard set off a real crisis across higher education that's been brewing for very long time and house republicans are going
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to lead to protect jewish students and condemn anti-semitism and get rid of this woke radicalization. you know who has been so silent is joe biden. >> kayleigh: he hasn't it's appalling. you had another moment with the president of columbia. you asked her about a professor, joseph mossad called the october so that the tax where babies were slaughtered, he call these attacks awesome. i want to play the sound of when you grilled the professor of columbia about if there were any repercussions for this professor >> let me be clear he was spoken to. who spoke with him? >> he was spoken to by his head of department and team. >> what was he told? >> i was not in the conversations. >> because he told? >> that language is an acceptable. >> were there any other enforcement actions taken, any other disciplinary actions taken. >> in his case has not repeated
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anything like that ever since. >> does he need to repeat stating that the massacre of israeli civilians was awesome? does he need to repeat his participation in an unauthorized pro hamas demonstration? >> it sounds a she said as he praised a terrorist attack and just got a stern talking to. is that right? >> it's right and what's worse is she testified that he was under investigation. there are 2 professors that are pro hamas professors that i asked about and she said both were under investigation. it turns out that those professors then said to the new york times the day after the hearing that there was no investigation and they were not removed from the classroom, that they are not removed as academic chair so this is a real legal issue for munition feet president of columbia. you can fly to congress. that's a federal event and that's why the document requests are so incredibly important to make sure we subpoena all the documents and lack thereof if
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there were no investigation to its we now know there were not. so there's a lot more here. i think that columbia strategy was to say whatever they had to say in the hearing to try to avoid the fate of the president's former presidents of penn and harvard but the problem with that is there is no action to back it up. columbia had taken adequate action to hold the pro hamas professors accountable by suspending and expelling them from campus to hold the students account by expelling them to campus and protect jewish students. they failed another scans. i would love. >> kayleigh: i would love to see the professor's text messages. that would be revealing. should she step aside based on the public evidence you have seen? >> i was the first number to call for her resignation. it is clear it's out of control at columbia. just look at the fact they are negotiating. she negotiated and set these deadlines for when the pro hamas and canton needed to leave and she allowed these agitators to go beyond that deadline. there's been no enforcement and
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what's most important is jewish students have not been protection on columbia's campus. it is required by title vi the executive order that you remember president trump put into place that protects jewish students. they have failed at columbia to follow the law and joe biden's to primitive education has failed to hold them accountable. that's why it's been so credible important house republicans who stepped in and oversight capacity as good stewards of taxpayer dollars but also making sure we are reining in these out-of-control woke higher and institutions and i will continue to lead this fight. >> congresswoman you have not just led and gotten answers. you have gotten results. thank you very much. after reports are to later this week that the biden white house is considering letting in refugees from gaza imagine what a great idea, dozens of republican senators are pushing back signing a letter encouraging joe biden to focus instead on the hostages held by hamas. when others 5 americans among the hostages. we know their babies like these
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2 young children kidnapped during the october 7th attacks. my family prays for those 2 little boys every night. here with reaction wisconsin senator ron johnson who signed onto that letter. senator johnson. so we think about 130 hostages, 5 americans but we are prioritizing gazan refugees? why. >> because joe biden wants to win michigan. 2 on the axle nation i have for this. he opened up our border. he's led and 6, 7, 8 million people in this country. couple many got a ways. we have no idea who those people are. literary aged men from countries so adversarial to america, members of unbelievably blue brutal gangs from mexico and south and central america. why would you add to that clear and present danger by bringing in palestinians who let's face it of us says infidels. they not only hate yous.
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they hate us. they also clear and present danger. this makes no sense. it is outrageous but even worse in that it is dangerous. >> senator johnson immigration has soared to the top of polling i imagine the reason for that is lawless southern border. the millions of people who have come in. i imagine the reason it's not at the top is because we have not led in the gazan refugees. are we looking at a world where biden may not take executive action to secure the lawless southern border but he will take executive action to leaden gazans? >> yes. the supreme court ruled in 2018 that the current law exudes difference to the president. so president biden hadn't used the same executive authority president trump uses to secure the border to open it up. he wants an open border. his democrat colleagues in congress want open border. the reason he's getting away
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with this is the mainstream media will not hold them accountable and that was backed with happening on campuses campus is. it's not just 1 off. they are talking professional agitators. we have had professional agitators on university campuses for decades called the radical professors faculty and administration. not all of them. the vast majority of faculty liberals. this has been relentlessly infiltrated our university system. they've been indoctrinating children and teachers and of course journalists. they are no longer journalists. they graduate abacus to the left. this has been happening under the nose stealthily and deceptively for decades. >> kayleigh: that's well said. 1 other question on the gazan refugees. refugee has a very specific legal definition. there has to be persecution. it has to be based on nationality religion or political views. i'm thinking about the gazans coming in as refugees and
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claiming persecution based on religion. what they technically he coming here claiming that her greatest american ally israel is there persecutor? >> asylum status you have to have your own government threaten you with that of persecution. there's a reason the arab nations have not accepted palestinian refugees for decades. had they done that we would have this problem today. they don't do it because it's awful the way young children in palestine and are committed to hate. not only 2s but infidels. they are dangerous people. they try to keep them bottled up in gaza or the west bank so this continues to spill over into these horrific instances but we need to keep it bottled up. we need to let israel destroy hamas and then try and live in peace with palestinians were willing to do so. >> kayleigh: senator johnson thank you very much. following the police raid at
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columbia after students broke into an occupied building on campus, student editors at the columbia law review are urging the school to cancel finals. no more exams calling the police action quote highly emotional. meanwhile president biden facing widespread backlash after finally commenting on the protest after days of silence by condemning, wait for, islamophobia. that comes amidst the worst outbreak of anti-semitism in years. this wasn't the only time this administration has equivocated. they have a history of it. here with reaction fox news contributor joe konjuh and harvard law professor emeritus alan dershowitz. professor dershowitz. we heard the adventures you condemn anti-semitism but include islamophobia at a time when anti-semitism is what's raging across the country. there's a pattern of this. i want to play some remarks from the vice president the vice president and the press
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secretary following october 7th. let's listen. >> for years muslims in america and those perceived to be muslim have endured a disproportionate number of hate fuelled attacks. as a result of the hamas terrorist attack in israel and the humanitarian crisis in gaza we have seen an uptick in anti-palestinian, anti-arab, anti-semitic and islamophobic incidents across america. >> what is the level concern now about potential rise of anti-semitism in light of everything in israel? >> a couple of things. we have not seen any credible threats. there's been questions about credible threats so just want to make sure that's out there. but muslim and those perceived to be muslim has injured a disproportionate number of hate fuelled attacks. >> reporter: professor dershowitz. is on a fuzzier exists. 6-year-old boy lost his life in
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that country for reason and that's tragic but it's not truthful to say in fact it's the muslim population that has a disproportionate number of threats. fbi data says jews of the numbes 6 times higher than second group >> particularly in universities were anti-semitism and anti-zionism is systemic and pervasive. you talked about professor joseph muscat. let me add a factor that. when he was up for tenure i opposed his tenure because the following is reported to have happen. he called him as his israeli student, he didn't know, the student spoke and the professor said to him are you israeli? he said yes, and professor massad said reportedly you cannot speak in my class unless you are prepared to admit that you are a war criminal and participate in war crimes. this is not a man who should be teaching at any university. can you imagine some teacher saying that against a black person? of course not but joseph massad
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and people like that are the pied piper's who are leading the zombielike cult know nothing students to the river and the sea. their parents should be appalled they are exposed to teachers like that. this is not academic freedom. this has nothing to do with the first amendment. let me explain why. there's not a single professor at columbia or anywhere else who would march the free speech of pro-israel speakers. they are disguising their pro-hamas and pro-and he is real attitudes behind free speech. free speech for me but not for them. but president biden is at fault because what does he do? he equates anti-semitism and islamophobia. it's not the case. for everything there's a season. this is the season where israel is being attacked. can you imagine a president after there were lynchings in the south getting up and saying i condemned the lynchings of
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black people but i also condemn any reverse dissemination against white people were knocking jobs. no you just condemn anti-semitism. you leave it for another occasion to than if it's warranted talk about islam islamophobia. he mention among his people palestinian americans, no reference to israeli americans. israeli americans are being attacked. i'm a a friend who's about to get an honorary doctorate at a major university and there would be protests because israeli-american. so why do you single out palestinian americans and not even mention israeli americans? it's a double standard. >> kayleigh: that's a great point. you and i love to read the headlines and love to read behind the headlines the sources and what they're saying. i want to play a game of cause and i have 2 headlines i want to bring up. 1 from axios. this is may 2nd. democrats enter panic mode as gaza protest erupts. a democrat was asked if he has
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political heartburn. he said how could i not so that's may 1st. may 2nd joe biden ask comments and nbc says why joe biden decided to speak out? white house official referring to the outside pressure described the decision of biden to speak thursday as we answered the male. so pier politics? >> everything that we see out of this administration this white house is seen through the prism of politics and retaining power. bernie sanders is absolutely right when he said this is joe biden's vietnam you're seeing on your screen and it's only going to get worse over the summer and especially the democratic national convention which make the 1968 democrat shall convention which was complete chaos look like disneyland because social media is going to pour kerosene on it already raging fire in the city during that time in august. by trying to play both sides here i will leave it here, look
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at the polls we are seeing now. trump up by 12 nationally in our rasmussen poll today. up by 9 in the cnn poll couple of days ago out. up 7 points and harvard harrison these are national. the news gets even worse in the 7 crucial swing states north carolina and georgia, arizona nevada wisconsin michigan pennsylvania for trump is leading and all of them on average. the white house needs and strategy and fast in terms of messaging because the selection is rapidly slipping away from them and it's all self-inflicted. >> reporter: i have a question for you and let me know if i'm wrong on my fax. you are professor at harvard law school up until 2013. i was a student at harvard law school from 2014 to 2016. i saw during those years very different, i was on harvard law school campus until 20016. i saw a definite turn towards racket alyssum in a way i did
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not see that georgetown or oxford. i'm curious you are at harvard until 2013. did you see distract alyssum then where is this something new? >> i did. and i complained about it. let me tell you the 1 characteristic of harvard law professors and they will be upset because they are my friends and i was there colleague 50 years. the 1 characteristic's lack of courage. many of them actually don't like what's going on. but they are terrified about speaking out publicly for fear that student evaluations will go down. the shouldn't be about politics. every democrat and every republican every liberal every conservative should be condemning unequivocally anti-semitism. i am embarrassed about the silence of harvard law school and harvard university. is a great philosopher brooklyn said all that's necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to remain silent. shame on you harvard professors, he ale professors princeton professors. stopping silent. speak out. condemn publicly what you have
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condemned to me privately. don't hide. >> well said professor dershowitz. i do anything to have you back on the university campuses. thank you very much. professor joe konjuh. coming up how much of an impact will the anti-israel protests have on voters come november? we will discuss this plus the latest report about trump's vice president. you want to hear that with tammy bruce and doug next. ( ♪ )
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[ ♪♪ ] >> kayleigh: welcome back to the special edition of hannity. how much will these protests impact the election in november? according to bernie sanders they could be devastating for joe biden. he went so far as to say his support for israel could be a vietnam moment for his presidency. watch. >> i am thinking back and other
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people are making this reference that this may be joe biden's vietnam, lyndon johnson in many respects was very, very good president. domestically brought forth some major pieces of legislation. he chose not to run and 68 because of opposition to his views on vietnam. and i worry very much president biden is putting himself in a position where he's alienated not just young people but a lot of the democratic base in terms of his views on israel and this war. >> when you've lost bernie sanders. meanwhile young voters are warning biden you must change course and he must do it quickly. on the other side of the ticket you have president trump his running mate search. is been conspicuously quiet as reports that he appears to be in no rush to decide. you with reaction fox news contributor tammy bruce and
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democratic pollster doug shown up. doug i want to start with you. you know story is big when i am in car pickup line at ballet and hear suburban moms talking with this frustrated by not liking what they are seeing so you're losing suburban moms on 1 end and the other you have a poll. this is cnn. donald trump winning young voters by 11 points. young voters are fickle but this has to make you worry on both sides. >> i'm very worried for not only joe biden the democratic present of nominee but for the entire ticket. i think tammy and you would both agree with me this is weakness, notches taking the wrong stand on the middle east. this is a pervasive failure of his presidency and approval rating now well below 40%, underwater on every issue. it began with afghanistan.
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it is now in the middle east you can't tell which side the president is on. i would say he needs to show strength tech-support is real, techno-border, do something about inflation but provide leadership not try to play politics. if he wants to be reelected because as we sit here today he's heading for defeat and given these most recent polls you alluded to those polls show a big defeat in the offing. >> that's why wise counsel but doesn't appear bidens advisers are doing what doug said. there talking to political playbook and here's what they're saying it of course you expect them to defend themselves and the record here's what they say. the biden world counterpoint comes courtesy of the recent harvard youth poll that found economic issues not the war in gaza dominating the list of issues that matter to young voters. only 2% of respondents cited the israel palestine conflict as
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their top issue. summer is coming. these protests could go away. i'm sure they'll be at the dnc and could return in the fall so is this just nothing to see here or is this meaningful? >> it's meaningful and doug had the nail on the head. all of the issues we are facing from the economy to the border to what's going on in the middle of the country with the issues of interpersonal relationships, rising crime rising violence in general is based in a lack of courage. it's based on the lack of a vision for the country. we have a president who licks his finger and put it up in the wind to see where the wind is blowing. he tries to have it both ways. because he stands for nothing, and this is why you have a world on fire. the country is turning into a dumpster fire. because there is no leadership. it reinforces the reality that the president of the united states is the founders snow is an incredibly important individual.
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that who that individual is, how they direct people, what they stand for has an impact on the direction of the country. the people running joe biden clearly seem to have perhaps division of some of these or they are cowards as well. but this is a kind of dynamic where they want to say they are sympathetic to the palestinian cause and then threaten israel. biden saying bad things about japan. it's a very strange dynamic. i would suggest as a reminder to everyone, and bernie sanders, talk about watching a plane crash and he's standing up trying to say his issue is what made the plane crash. there are 33,000 students enrolled at columbia and we never get a full number of who the protesters were but if you look at who's been arrested at city college and columbia it is less than 1% of the student body
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at those colleges which tells you even they have a controlled environment, communication control, environmental control. week leadership in administration the colleges, they cannot even bring out their own people and there's 2,000 arrests around the country on 40 campuses. so this is not about young people in the war or even hamas and 2 hatred. it's about other -ist issues. biden's weakness is what the problem is. >> kayleigh: i want to get to president trump and his vp pick. jdi dans, marco rubio. you hear tim scott. you have heard doug berg room. chris from the campaign says anyone's guests. it's a fools errand to read these reports. i'm curious as a democrat who would you fear most as trump's vice president? >> i would fear someone i don't
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think you'll pick which is nikki haley. in a close election you need to consolidate your party. but if trump sees himself 7, 9, 12 points ahead he is more likely i think that not to go with a loyalist which nikki haley most assuredly is not. that group having watched jdi events on tv the other night, he is a very effective advocate of trump positions. i would say if i was advising the president with a former president which i am not, i would recommend jdi events as the strongest advocate and most thoughtful advocate of maga policies. >> kayleigh: tammy reverse question. who would you want most? >> i want the person who understands the maga policies who can be loyal to president trump, who can understand what the washington dc swamp will try to do to them and who can win in
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28 and 32. it's a person who i want him to choose that this is not a help mate, but a teammate. president trump cares about the country first and i think he knows that's the kind of person he needs next in. >> kayleigh: fair enough. doug shone creek tammy bruce thank you. up next we break down what happened in court today during trump's new york trial with greg gerk pam bonnie will not want to miss what happened in court as a special edition of hannity continues.
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(vo) in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. (woman) is that? oh wow! but we got to sell our houses! (vo) well, almost perfect. don't worry. just sell directly to opendoor. (woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> kayleigh: welcome back to the special edition of hannity. today marked the 11th day of donald trump's falsifying documents trial here in new york city. trump's former communications director hope hicks took the stand and meanwhile judge marshawn rejected the prosecutor's request to question trump about his gag order
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violations. here's what trump had to say while leaving court earlier today. >> they then after us for years. take a look at what's happened for years the democrats, the radical left. they've been after us for years and they've destroyed people's lives. that hire lawyers. they've been with lawyers for years being sucked dry. and it's a shame what they've done to this country. it's a vicious vicious radical left lunatics. in the meantime you can do anything in the country. the country is going to hell. >> reporter: here with reaction fox news legal analyst greg jarrett along with former florida attorney general pam bondi. greg the big take away today, the big moment today was hope hicks testimony. and i believe this case should not have survived any motion to dismiss. it is baseless but hope hicks comes up as a witness for the
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prosecution and she served the purpose of crushing the prosecutor's argument. she talked about trump wanting to protect his family, his wife not wanting newspapers delivered to the house because of negative stories and the whole purpose of the prosecution is to say this wasn't to protect him and his family. this is for the purposes of the campaign. >> this was an epic miscalculation by prosecutors calling hope hicks. it backfired against them because you are right. she told the jury trump's motive for suppressing salacious stories like stormy daniels was to protect his wife not the campaign. that demolishes alvin bragg central theory that trumps and tends was to help his election and therefore he violated campaign laws. no, he didn't. and it also happens to corroborate the findings of the feds who said no crimes were committed or campaign finance laws broken but it's actually worse and that because brad
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claims in the indictment which is all-important that trump falsified business records. that's absurd. his lawyer negotiated the stormy payments which were illegal and booked them as legal expenses because that's what they are. so even the basis for the criminal charges is true which makes us a trial in search of an imaginary crime that exists nor in the law. >> kayleigh: they have on their team on top prosecutor from joe biden's doj that decided to step down and go work without and brag so they have big guns but prosecutors look like neophytes because every witness they have called keith davidson hope hicks, none of them praised a star witness michael cohen. in fact, they diminishes credibility and michael cohen is the star witness. >> the star liar witness.
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we know hope hicks. hope is not only brilliant but she's credible and she's kind and that she came off that way to the jurors today. she made michael cohen look like the sleeves that he is. she said, what did she say, not only is he mr fix-it because usually breaks it. so she really crushed michael cohen. but the prosecutors are acting like neophytes, even though they have the judge basically sitting at the prosecution witness. that's 1 thing i can't get over in this case, the things this judge keeps doing over and over again silencing president trump back letting michael cohen speak at length and he has every legal right to gag michael cohen yet he's not on that. serial killers and murder trials are affording more rides than they are giving donald trump in this trial. and i firmly believe judge marshawn will be reprimanded by the jq see not only reprimanded. i think he should be removed
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because of his actions in this case. it's that bad. the ruins he's making and the things he's doing to silence donald trump. >> i have a few moments but i would love to get really quick 10 or 152nd reaction from each of you on this. i have a theory and it's this. the prosecution's doing things that defy understanding. there's a thing called molyneux roll from the weinstein case which means you cannot bring in uncharged crimes to infer this crime but bringing up access hollywood which has no relevance to this. i theory is they don't care if this gets reversed on appeal. they just want to conviction and they wanted before election day in november. >> yeah, this judge has allowed in evidence irrelevant, prejudicial material. it's reversible error but they don't care. they want to conviction. this has to be hands-down the the most legally anemic case ever brought. with 2 weeks into testimony and
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prosecution witnesses have yet to provide scintilla of evidence of crimes. >> kayleigh: they just won a conviction. is that the case? >> reporter: what you said is called williams rule and would not be admissible in this case. the access hollywood tape alone is enough to reverse it. >> kayleigh: i am convinced there's no guilty verdict. we'll see though. we will see. coming up jimmy failure weighs in on star wars doctor mark hamill visiting the white house today. how nice. we will tell you why the force is definitely not with protesters in portland. that and more as a special edition of hannity continues.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> welcome back to the special edition of hannity. instead of focusing on the many
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crises facing our nation the biden administration is busy hosting celebrities at the white house. star wars actor mark hamill made an appearance at the white house press briefing today. take a look. 's. i just got to meet the president and you gave me these aviator glasses. he said you can call me joe. this ikonick a huge obi-wan kenobi. >> john fehr was later asked what hamel is doing at white house twitchy replied it was a quote meeting about with the president has been able to do on behalf of the american people. that solves it. here with reaction fox news saturday night host jimmy. what would have happened if i would have gotten star wars inspired nickname in the briefing room. what i have gotten a laughs? >> i can promise you would not. the let's acknowledge the historical significance. it's not everyday luke skywalker defends a guy who needs a walker that's kind of knew.
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i thought this was so absurd. obviously tomorrow is may the 4th. they are trying to score pop-culture votes as you know. okay but the problem here is every time you look at luke skywalker you're reminded that our president is harder to understand than chewbacca. julie speaks better english then biden does. so i don't think this is what they were going for. >> jimmy you just spiked the football. i feel bad for them. this was yesterday at portland state university. anti-israel protesters you see the look at this charging police while wearing bike helmets using trash bins as makeshift shields. they were not a match for the police. they really thought this would work. >> i love this so much because understand these people are nerves. they are being held hostage by half a million people who are picked last and jim. are they raging yet?
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raging anti-semites yes? but there are slobs. most of these people need to try jogging from the river to the sea. before they overthrow our country. losers but it was a hilarious video. >> you don't think they look athletic? are you blind? not very blind. i just want to say this crap never happened in my alma mater. nassau community college. the only time we protested is when they ran out of beer at nickleby or night. >> that's what the protest. this is according to new york post article so crying at the gym is totally normal. those protesters i'm sure the client the jen. 1 sports psychologist says if someone is experience and stress are going through tough time, emotional release such as crying happens during a workout. do you work out number 1 you cry while you do it? >> i love that you didn't assume that i workout. because i do look like magic mike's brother tragic mike.
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i get what you're doing. the only time i cried the jen is if i was looking at the cost of equinox membership. because it's $5,000 a month to go there but no the gym is supposed to build strength. this idea that they are encouraging weakness is a rift. that's how you wind up getting knocked down by a cop when you're running with a garbage can shield. you don't go to the gym to cry. you go to the gym to work out assuming you go. >> kayleigh: i thought you were supposed to get endorphins at the gym. >> that's what i mean. this is the opposite of that. thank you. you get it. >> kayleigh: thank you. i put a footnote on the point. thank you so much. everyone watched jimmy saturday night tomorrow night. i'll be watching for coming up the cdc just released new guidelines about bird flu. how concerned to the american people be? kevin has a full report next on a special edition of hannity continues
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(reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. israel is under attack.
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israel has been attacked like never before. our skies are filled with rockets and drones. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently needs your help to send out emergency teams across the holy land. the international fellowship of christians and jews needs your $45 gift to rush emergency aid to the people of israel who are still devastated from the massacres of october 7. we are bringing food. we are bringing emergency resources to save lives. but we can't do it alone. we need you to stand with israel now. with terrorist attacks across every part of israel, tens of thousands of families desperately need emergency life-saving aid today. please don't wait. now is the time to act. call, scan, or go online now.
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>> welcome back to the special edition of hannity. the cdc just released new information about bird flu viruses. kevin clarke joins us with the latest. >> reporter: sceptics are warning tonight the government is at it again, that setting the stage for yet another pandemic panic yet to come. then again some health experts say this is just a responsible warning so here's what's happening. according to the cdc bird flu continues to appear to pose a quote low risk to the public at least for now. however, and this is important cdc scientists claim they ran into roadblocks. investigating a human case of this pandemic potential virus just this year. in fact according to report published by new england journal of medicine epidemiologist from the cbc -- cdc were unable to access a texas dairy farm were a human was allegedly infected
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with the virus back in march. that prevented they say investigators from being able to determine just how the workers might have been exposed to the virus on that farm. what's more since then at least 9 states according to the cdc have allegedly detected cow infections from the virus. you get a ballot box. you get a ballot box. that's why some cracks are saying. let's hope they are wrong. >> thank you very much. unfortunately that's all the time we have left for tonight. you can catch me weekdays at noon right here on the fox news channel. tune in at noon to eat lunch with us. sean is back on monday. have a great weekend. [ cheering and applause